Tuesday, September 11, 2007

morning sickness

abruptly stopping usage of cymbalta can result in unusual side effects. where the first two weeks of taking it caused continuous nausea, the first 48 hours without taking it led to violent vomiting (lovely picture, eh?)

though technically that could have also been ambien...which did nothing to help me sleep, instead i tossed and turned for an hour and half, had strange dreams of me yelling at kevin whilst my happily matched roommates watched tv. so while the cymbalt gets back into my system, i think i'll hold off on the ambien till next week.

tomorrow is the start of cornerstone, thursday is the start of kairos, and thursday morning there is a allies meeting of which i sadly cannot attend due to it being slightly short notice (for me, not everyone else...), but in the future i hope to go to one. i'm about to begin year three of being collage's production manager, year two of kairos, and year six of cornerstone; my love of youth ministry is still burning and i find myself wondering more often how i could possible spend most of my time doing that rather then overseeing the controlled chaos of DVD manufactoring, lofty shipping goals, and evolution of various processes.

or maybe just even spend more time creating. at least then i won't fall victim to manias.

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