Except that week, due either to time restraint or gallons of water pouring down a pumpkin was not to be gotten. Which left pumpkin purchasing till the day of...
Attempt #1: Walmart. Our super Walmart has everything; groceries, electronics, lube jobs and when we walked in a giant wreath proclaiming "Seasons Greetings"... but no pumpkins (we did however pick up a new Xbox game).
Attempt #2: Gordon Food Service. If you ever wanted to pretend to own a restuarant, this is the place to go. Previously in October, they had a huge cardboard trough filled with perfectly sized for carved pumpkins. Day of, free samples of hot cider...but no pumpkins (the cider was decent).
Attepmt #3: Kroger. Besides Walmart, really the only other place to buy groceries is Kroger and while some of their prices maybe slightly higher, their produce and bakery departments offer much more than Walmart. Though that day they had one striking thing in common with Walmart...no pumpkins (though at this point we bandied about the idea of carving a watermelon).
Driving home in defeat, there on a hill on the side of the road a simple plywood sign reads "Farm Fresh Produce" and surrounding this sign: pumpkins.
Pull in and we are in Pumpkin Wonderland. Deserted Pumpkin Wonderland. Pumpkins lay all over, gourds stacked high in all shapes, sizes, and colors, but not a farm fresh producer anywhere. Including the near by farmhouse.
Our solution to making this transaction? We left the following in a note:
Hello! We are excited to buy a pumpkin, but it appears that no one is home. We are not entirely sure how much you want for the pumpkins in the bin marked 45 200, but we took a pumpkin from that bin and have enclosed $5. Thanks!
Evening fell, leaves rustled by our jack-o-lantarn angled ever so smarted by our now inviting door which was not knocked on once.
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